Priscilla brings over 30 years of expertise in finance, real estate, banking and community development across a number of leading institutions and organizations. Her executive leadership roles in the private, public and nonprofit sectors have provided her with significant experience in business operations, leadership of large complex organizations, audit and financial reporting, risk management, human capital, and strategic planning. These experiences have also provided Ms. Almodovar with insights on social impact programs, direct community engagement and corporate social responsibility. Priscilla is often recognized as a Hispanic business leader, including Fortune’s 50 Most Powerful Latinas, Hispanic Business’ 100 Most Influential Hispanics and one of their 25 US Corporate Elites, and Latino Leaders Most Influential Latinas.
Career Highlights:
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc., largest national affordable housing integrated platform
- President and Chief Executive Officer (since Sept. 2019)
JP Morgan Chase & Co., a financial services company
- Managing Director, Co-Head, Real Estate Banking (April 2017 to Sept. 2019)
- Managing Director, Head, Community Development Banking (Jan. 2010 to April 2017)
New York State Housing Finance and State of NY Mortgage Agency
- President and Chief Executive Officer (Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2009)
New York State Gubernatorial Campaign
- Deputy Policy Director, Housing and Health Care (Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2006)
White & Case, LLP, global law firm
- Partner, Corporate (Sept. 1998 to Dec. 2004)
Other Public Company Directorships Within the Past Five Years:
- VEREIT (NYSE: VER), a net lease REIT –Member since 2021, member of Audit Committee
- Realty Income (NYSE: O), a net lease REIT, ~$50B market cap –Invited for post merger
Other Experience:
- Trustee, Bellwether Enterprise Real Estate Capital LLC, a private commercial and multifamily mortgage banking company (2020 to present)
- Trustee, New York Road Runners Club –Chair of Audit Committee (2018 to present)
- Co-Chair, New York State Health Innovation Council, an advisory body of the New York State Department of Health (2015-2016)
- Hofstra University
- J.D., Columbia School of Law