Janet L. Carrig

Janet L. Carrig

EQT Corporation, 2019

Whiting Petroleum Corporation, 2020

Janet Carrig served as Senior Vice President, Legal, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of ConocoPhillips from August 2007 through September 2018. She is an experienced executive who has worked extensively in both the energy and consumer products industries, and managed every staff function except finance.

As General Counsel, Carrig had oversight of the company’s extensive litigation and arbitration portfolio,  with results including an $8.7 billion dollar award against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a $2 billion award against Petroleos de Venezuela and a net $360 million award against the Republic of Ecuador.  She also oversaw the legal support for mergers and acquisitions, capital markets activity, commodity marketing, treasury, human resources, compliance and ethics, and the security department. She participated in over $100 billion of transactions during her tenure with the company.

Prior to joining ConocoPhillips, she was a partner at Zelle, Hoffman, Voelbel, Mason and Gette.  She also previously served as Kmart Corporation’s senior vice president, chief administrative officer and chief compliance officer, as Kellogg Company’s executive vice president of corporate development and administration, general counsel and corporate secretary, and as Sara Lee Corporation’s senior vice president, secretary and general counsel.   She began her career as a law clerk on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, and was thereafter an associate at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and a partner at Sidley & Austin. She also previously taught mergers and acquisitions as an adjunct professor at the Northwestern University School of Law and served as a Commissioner of the American Bar Association Commission on Women in the Profession.

She serves as an independent director of EQT Corporation (serving as Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility Committee) and of Whiting Petroleum Corporation (serving as Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee and as a member of the ESG Committee), an independent trustee for the Columbia Threadneedle Funds, and as the Senior Chair of the Houston Grand Opera Board.  She also serves on the board of the National Association of Corporate Directors Texas TriCities Chapter and as a Senior Fellow of The Conference Board ESG Center.

She previously served on the board of United Airlines, which she resigned to join ConocoPhillips, as well as on the boards of Grinnell College, The Joffrey Ballet, and the Chicago Shakespeare Theater, and on the New York Stock Exchange’s Legal Advisory Committee.

Ms. Carrig’s contributions have been recognized with numerous honors and awards throughout her career, including the Texas General Counsel Forum’s Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Law Journal’s 50 Most Influential Women Lawyers in America, the Burton Awards Legends in the Law, the Houston Business Journal Women in Energy – Women in Leadership, and Crain’s Chicago Business’ 40 Under 40.

Carrig received a bachelor’s degree in history, with honors, from Grinnell College and a juris doctorate from Yale University.